Pronoia Consulting Services
References in PPPs
Experience in PPPs was acquired while on assignment at French ministry of defense.

Service contract "Purchase of flight hours of unmanned helicopters - EALAT-Dax"
Contract duration: 22 years
Recipient organization: French Army's Flight school for Helicopter pilots
Location: Dax (40), France
Provision of a fleet of 36 new EC-120 helicopters with enhanced cockpits
Investment (80 M€) financed by two banks
Outsourced maintenance all along the contract
Third-party revenues through sale of flight hours and maintenance services
Contractual clauses for flexibility and evolutivity of the MoD needs
Contract notified in January 2008

PPP Balard Headquarters
Service contract "Design, construction/renovation of buildings and support on Balard site"
Contract duration: 30 years
Recipient organization: Ministry of defense
Location: Balard site, Paris (75), France
Construction of the new MoD Headquarters and renovation of existing buildings
Investment (600 M€) financed by a pool of banks
Outsourced maintenance & facility management all along the contract
Deployment of IT fixed networks and terminals, and their support during 7 years
90.000 sqm allocated for third party revenues through erection of office buildings
Contract notified in May 2011

PPP IT fixed networks
Service contract "Deployment and support of IT fixed networks in 35 air bases - RDIP-Air"
Contract duration: 16 years
Recipient organization: French air forces and MoD telecom operator DIRISI
Location: 35 air bases throughout France
Design and deployment of 35 MAN and LAN networks under Internet Protocol
Investment (80 M€) financed by two banks
Networks' maintenance and management shared between MoD and contractor
Upgrade of active equipments at mid-contract
Contractual clauses for flexibility and evolutivity of the MoD needs
Contract notified in August 2011

PPP EPC - Garrison Roc Noir
Service contract "Energy performance contract - Garrison Roc Noir"
Contract duration: 20 years
Recipient organization: Garrison Roc Noir
Location: Chambéry (73), France
Installation/renovation of boilers and hot water heating, insulation work of buildings
Investment (20 M€) financed by one financial leasing company
Outsourced maintenance and facility management all along contract
No third-party revenues
Contractual clauses for incentivisation of the contractor on energy savings
Contract notified in November 2011

PPP Renovation of CNSD
Service contract "Renovation of the National Sport Centre for Defense"
Contract duration: 30 years
Recipient organization: National Sport Centre for Defense
Location: Fontainebleau (77), France
Construction of new buildings and sport facilities and renovation of existing ones
Investment (75 M€) financed by a pool of banks
Outsourced facililty management of the centre all along the contract
Reception, cleaning and guarding, catering and accommodation services
Third-party revenues through marketing of available slots of sport facilities
Contract notified in December 2011

PPP ISAE Student residence
Service contract "Design, construction/renovation and support of ISAE student residence"
Contract duration: 30 years
Recipient organization: French Aeronautics and Space Engineering School ISAE
Location: Toulouse (31), France
Construction of new buildings and renovation of existing ones (capacity 1000 rooms)
Investment (40 M€) financed by the contractor
Outsourced maintenance and facility management all along the contract
Third-party revenues from students and other visitors
Pricing policy of bedrooms' rental fixed by ISAE